Abed El Raheem Mallouh, Deputy- Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), who is held in an Israeli jail, stressed the importance of reviving the role of the Palestinian Legislative Council to minimize the damage caused by the inaction of the Parliament that is weakening the Palestinian political establishments.Abed El Raheem Mallouh, Deputy- Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), who is held in an Israeli jail, stressed the importance of reviving the role of the Palestinian Legislative Council to minimize the damage caused by the inaction of the Parliament that is weakening the Palestinian political establishments.

Mallouh told the Arab Member of Knesset Ahmad Tibi, who visited him in Hadarim prison, the bad performance of the Government, that is formed mainly by two major Palestinian parties, is not justified, and added that the Fatah-Hamas unity is still immature.

In a letter sent to both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh, Mallouh held the two leader responsible to develop the Government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and to implement the 18-point National Agreement drafted by the Palestinian Prisoners, months ago.

He added that the formation of the Unity Government is only one of these 18 points.

Mallouh added: ‘It is necessary to pay more attention to the prisoners issue and to start an international campaign to recognize the Palestinian prisoners as political prisoners, instead of security prisoners. He also said that prisoners who spent a long period in jail such as Samir Qintar and Saeed Attaba and other women and children and ill prisoners should have the priority to be released in any chance for prisoners swap.

The jailed Palestinian leader also added that the political situation is not expected to improve in the coming two years because of the current Israeli-American attitudes, therefore, more attention to the internal Palestinian unity should be paid.

Al-Tibi, head of the Arab Movement for Change, has also met with jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi separately, and discussed with him internal Palestinai Authority affairs and the attitude of the International community regarding the Palestinian unit government, in addition to the latest political developments in Israel and its effects on the Palestinian situation.

The National Agreement Document adopts the Arab Peace Initiative which calls for full normalization between the Arab Countries and Israel in exchange of a full Israeli withdrawal from the entire West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Arab peace initiative was first launched in March 2002 and re-launched in April 2007.