A massive Israeli army force invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus and nearby refugee camps. During the invasion army opened fire randomly at residents’ homes and killed an unborn baby after shooting and injuring the mother on Thursday morning.Maha Al Katoumi, 29, a pregnant Palestinian women, was in her house during the Israeli army attack on Al Ein refugee camp near Nablus.

During the invasion local resistance fighters clashed with the invading troops and Israeli soldiers opened fire randomly at resident’s homes, one of their rounds hit Al Katoumi in her abdomen, killing her 7 months fetus.

AL Katoumi family stated that Maha was in her room when she was injured. The family called a Palestinian ambulance and as soon as the ambulance arrived at the house, soldiers surrounding it stopped the ambulance and did not allow the medical teems to get inside the Al Katoumi home, leaving Maha to bleed for more than one hour.

Medical sources reported that Maha was injured in her abdomen and as soon as she arrived to Rafida hospital in Nablus she was admitted to the surgery room, doctors delivered the baby and found him shot in the head by the round that hit the mother.

Eyewitnesses reported that army conducted a wide scale house to house search in several parts of Nablus city and kidnapped at least three Palestinian civilians. Witnesses added clashes have erupted between the invading troops and local resistance fighter in several parts of Nablus on Thursday midday.

Translated by Ghassan Bannoura – IMEMC News Room