Palestinians in Europe concluded on Thursday their fifth conference in Rotterdam, in Holland. The conference was attended by hundreds of Palestinians who came from various European countries, and was also attended by Dutch supporters.


The conference was organized by the general secretariat of the Conference of Palestinians living in Europe.

Representatives of the Right of Return Coalition, artists, journalists, and popular leaders also attended the conference.

Palestinian women participation at the conference was very high and very significant since it highlights the Palestinian struggle and the important role of women in it.

The conference included seminars and discussions between several unions and institutions in addition to holding multiple workshops.

The first conference was held in London in 2003, while the second was in Berlin in 2004, the third was in Vienna in 2006, and the fourth was in Sweden in 2006.

Some of the main recommendations of the conference were calling on the Palestinians in Palestine and in exile to remain united since they all share the same fate and aspiration, and a greeting to all Palestinians who are steadfast despite the Israeli aggression and repeated attacks against them.

The conference also called for lifting the unjust siege imposed on the Palestinian people, and slammed the Israeli attacks against the holy sites, and Israels’ annexation and settlement expansion policies.

It also called for lifting the closures that are baring the Palestinians from entering Jerusalem while Israel is eliminating the Palestinian and Arab presence there by annexing the lands and leveling the Arab constructions and historical Arab sites in order to build and expand Jewish settlements.

Among the recommendations were also calls to dismantle the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall in the occupied West Bank, especially since its separates and isolates the Palestinians from each other and from their orchards, while Israel disregarded the International Court ruling which determined that this Wall is illegal.

The Palestinians and the institutions participating in the conference called on the Palestinians in Palestine to act against all sorts of chaos, insecurity and internal fighting.

They also called for extensive media campaigns to increase the international awareness on the issue of the Palestinian refugees living in various countries around the globe and their Right of Return which was guaranteed by Security Council resolution number 194, issued on December 11, 1948.