Two Fatah members were killed on Sunday in Gaza after being shot dead by unknown assailants.Fatah has accused Hamas of committing the killing.
Eyewitnesses said that gunmen opened fire at the car of Bahaa Abu Jarad, a senior Fatah gunman in the northern Gaza Strip city of Beit Lahiya.

Hospital sources said that one of his comrades, who was escorting him was also killed in the attack, described the deadliest in two months, following the formation of a national unity cabinet, comprising Hamas and Fatah.

Spokesman of Fatah in northern Gaza , Hassan aL-Wali, accused Hamas gunmen of the murder of his colleague Abu Jarada.

aL-Wali also blamed the interior ministry for what he called ‘delaying the implementation of the security plan”.

In a press release, the IMEMC has received a copy of which, Hamas’s representative to the follow up Fatah-Hamas committee, Ayman Taha, voiced astonishment of Fatah’s accusations.

“ We in the Islamic resistance movement, deny any linkage to the Sunday’s killing, therefore, we condemn this action and believe that outside players are attempting to sabotage the state of calm and agreement”. Taha stated.

Meanwhile, the Fatah parliamentary bloc denounced the killing and held Palestinian interior minister, Hani aL-Qawasmi, responsibility for these latest developments, calling on him to unveil the assailants”.

Right after the killing, scores of Fatah supporters took out to the streets in northern Gaza, and in the vicinity of the hospital, where bodies of the two victims were being held.

Palestinian interior minister, Hani aL-Qawasmi suspended on Sunday his ‘controversial’ resignation following a meeting with Prime Minister, Ismail Haniya.

Interior ministry’s spokesman had earlier told the IMEMC that both Haniya and aL-Qawasmi, close to the governing Haams, agreed to fan out security forces involving the interior ministry’s and those loyal to President Abbas.