Two Palestinians were killed on Monday morning, just few hours after both Fatah and Hamas agreed last night to a ceasefire and halt of all provocative actions in streets.
An exchange of fire Monday morning between members of both Hamas and Fatah caused the death of the bodyguard of Fatah’s spokesman, Maher Meqdad, and another resident, Meqdad told reporters.

Meqdad said that Hamas gunmen attacked his house, killing the bodyguard and another bystander, adding that his media office was set into fire, while his house was attacked.

Today’s fresh wave of violence in Gaza came just few hours after the rival Hamas and Fatah agreed to a ceasefire brokered by the Gaza-based Egyptian security officials.

The parties agreed to withdraw gunmen from streets and stop all provocative actions, yet the Egyptian-mediated deal seems to be failing as at least ten people were wounded overnight.

Yesterday, at least five people were killed and about twenty others wounded after a Fatah militant was killed. Hamas and Fatah traded accusations on the surge of violence, which came after the Palestinian interior minister announced a security plan to restore order.

Meqdad, whose house was hit, attended the Mecca talks on unity government between the rival groups, under Saudi Arabia auspices. The latest spate infighting is the deadliest since the Mecca agreement in February.