Palestinians in Bethlehem commemorate the 59 anniversary of the expulsion of the Palestinians people in 1948 by Jewish group and the destruction of their villages.Palestinians in Bethlehem commemorate the 59 anniversary of the expulsion of the Palestinians people in 1948 by Jewish group and the destruction of their villages.

On Tuesday, the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Bethlehem, and as part of the “Stop the bleeding of Bethlehem” campaign organized two nonviolent sit-in protests.

The first protest started at 11:00 am in the morning at the southern entrance of Bethlehem where Israeli soldiers stopped the demonstrators and prevented them to reach a settler road known as “Road 60”.

The protestors who were mainly Palestinians and few internationals, carried signs affirming the right of the refugees to return according to the United Nations Security Council resolution 194.

The protest at then entrance of Road 60 lasted for nearly one hour after which the protestors moved to the United Nations Offices in Bethlehem to continue the protest.

Khaled Al-Azza, member of the Popular Committee spoke to the crowd saying that they expulsion of the Palestinian people on May 15, 1948 by the Jewish groups is a result of the Belfour declaration which was made in 1917, when Belfour, the Foreign Minister of Great Britain which occupied Palestine after the end of WWI until 1948.

Al-Azza said, “In 1917, Belfour, promised the Jews to give them Palestine as a homeland, he gave what he does not own to a people who has no right in that land.”

At the end of the protest, the Stop the Bleeding of Bethlehem Campaign circulated a statement condemning the Fatah-Hamas infighting in Gaza Strip which has claimed the lives of twenty dozens in the past few days.

Samer Jaber, one of the campaign coordinators said there are plans for several nonviolent actions in Bethlehem area, the nearest will be o Friday against the wall.