Israeli army killed Thursday morning a Palestinian farmer in northern Gaza, confirmed medics.
Officials at the Kamal Edwan hospital in the northern Gaza Strip city of Beit Lahiya, said that a gunshot has been fired at a Palestinian farmer by Israeli army boats, just 400 meters away from the security fence that separates Gaza from Israel.

Today’s incident is a part of ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip, in which the Israeli army has killed 36 Palestinians including seven children, wounded more than 120 others and caused great damage to many properties.

On yesterday night, the Israeli warplanes struck a money exchange shop, a storehouse and a car.

The air strike on the car injured three bystanders, while the car’s passengers managed to escape.

Israel claims that its attacks on Gaza are meant to stop firing by Palestinian resistance groups, involving Hamas, of homemade shells into nearby Israeli towns, a pretext that Israel has been using to intervene militarily in the coastal region since 2002.

Israel has recently rebuffed a Palestinian Authority’s truce offer, aimed at restoring a six-month-old ceasefire. Palestinian factions told PA’s President Mahmoud Abbas that Israel should include the West Bank in any ceasefire before they stop rocket fire.