A battalion of Israeli military jeeps, armored vehicles and soldiers invaded the old city of Nablus on Sunday morning, ransacking the offices of the Juthoor Women’s Center.
The soldiers stole eight computers from the Center, as well as the personal files of hundreds of Palestinian women who receive aid from the organization, according to Arwa Sabha, the Center’s Director.

The Israeli military claims that the Center is affiliated with Hamas, a claim vigorously denied by the staff there.
Women’s centers throughout Palestine are known for being among the only organizations to work across party lines, and to include members of all parties.

The Juthoor center was founded in 1997 as an employment center for women in the Nablus area.

The assault on the Juthoor Center is just the latest in a number of Israeli attacks on charitable institutions in the West Bank this week. On Wednesday, the Israeli military carried out a wide-scale sweep of a number of charitable organizations that the military claimed were affiliated to Hamas.