The Hamas movement has nominated Ghazai Hamad, spokesperson for the Palestinian Prime Minister, for the post of Minister of the Interior following the resignation of Hani Al-Qawasmi.Al-Qawasmi resigned last month in protest against a perceived lack of authority in the remit given to him by President Mahmoud Abbas. Al-Qawasmi complained that his limited role barred him from implementing the security plan designed to contain civil unrest in the Gaza Strip.

On Friday, Haniyeh met with the heads of the Palestinian security forces to discuss ways of implementing the security plan and forming a Hamas-Fatah joint task force to supervise the implementation.

Hamad was previously nominated for this post, only for his nomination to be vetoed by the Fatah movement who insisted that the post not be filled by a Hamas member. However, highly-placed sources have informed IMEMC that despite his clear affiliation to Hamas, Hamad’s nomination may, this time, be accepted.

Hamad was spokesperson for the elected Hamas government before the formation of the current administration.