Palestinian Information Minister, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, stated on Monday that the Palestinian Unity Government approved a 10-point truce plan after discussing it at a government session on Monday, and agreed to defend the national unity and to call on all factions to adopt the plan.Dr. Barghouthi welcomed the report which was published by AMNESTY International which slams the illegal Israeli attacks in the Palestinian occupied territories, the illegal annexation Wall, roadblocks, and Israeli violations to the international law.

He added that the government finalized the means needed to implement the signed agreements, and the efforts to bar any further internal clashes between the gunmen in the Gaza Strip.

The government welcomed the efforts carried out by several Arab countries in order to bar any future internal clashes, and to implement the security plan which was presented by the ministry of interior.  

Dr. Barghouthi also stated that the government will carry all needed efforts to uncover the groups that carries attacks and internal violence in order to prosecute the assailants and to follow-up every step in implementing the security plan.

The ten-point ceasefire plan, which is conditioned with Israel commitment to the truce, consists of the following points;

1.       All factions will stop firing homemade shells into Israeli areas.

2.       Israel should stop all of its aerial, ground and naval attacks.

3.       The truce should also be implemented in the West Bank.

4.       The truce will be implemented directly after all parties approve it.

5.       Israel should end its assassinations, arrests and invasions into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

6.       The issue of wanted fighters, deportees and detainees should be resolved through a specific agreement.

7.       Israel should release all detained legislators, ministers, mayors and officials.

8.       Israel should withdraw to from the Palestinian control areas which were re-invaded after September 28, 2000.

9.       Israel should remove all roadblocks and checkpoints, and should ease movement on border crossings.

10.   After  the first and second articles of this agreement are implemented, the Palestinian Authority will gradually deploy its forces on the North-eastern borders of the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, Dr. Barghouthi stated that the government decided to allocate the needed financial issues to ensure the implementation of the plan.

He also stated that the Israeli decision which rejects the American security plan proves that Israel does not want to be a peace partner and rejects the truce.

The Palestinian government repeated its condemnation to the continued arrest of the Palestinian legislators and officials, and slammed the Israeli decision to prosecute the Minister of Information Nasser Ed Deen Al Sha’er,  and the Israeli decision to transfer the previous legislator Abdul-Rahman Zeidan to administrative detention for six months.

Dr. Barghouthi said that the Israeli decisions are considered direct attacks against the Palestinian legitimacy and democracy.

He added that the confinement of hundreds of detainees, including officials, under administrative detention orders without charges or trial is another direct violations to the international law since the administrative detention was used by the British occupation to the country, and that Israel adopted this illegal procedure as part of its so-called emergency law which was used by the British mandate in 1945.

Moreover, senior Egyptian sources reported on Monday that Egypt will host later this month internal Palestinian talks on a ceasefire agreement which is being prepared by Egyptian officials.

 Egypt already held talks with representatives of Hamas and Fateh, and is now holding talks with representatives of the Islamic Jihad. Talks with other factions will be held at a later stage.