A massive Israeli force invaded the town of Qabatiya, south of Jenin city in the northern part of the West Bank, on Tuesday morning. After searching a number of homes, troops kidnapped eight civilians, injuring four others in the process. Local sources reported that around 40 Israeli army military vehicles stormed the town from several directions, after which troops were deployed throughout the area.

Eyewitnesses reported that in addition to searching scores of homes, Israeli soldiers randomly opened fire on a number of homes.

During the operation, clashes erupted between the invading forces and local school boys. Five school boys were injured in this confrontation, they were identified as Ahmad Kamil, 14, Nidal Abu Al Rab, 15, (both of whom were injured in the head), Ahmad Bilal (who sustained an injury too his hand) and Mahdi Abu Al Rab, 15 (who was hit in the abdomen).

Medical sources stated that all four sustained moderate wounds and were moved to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The military operation lasted for several hours. The troops left after kidnapping eight people, among those abducted were Saleh Kamil, 19, Ali Assaf, 21, Khaled Abu Zied, 19, and Mohamed Kamil, 23.

While the operation was ongoing, a separate Israeli force established checkpoints at the exits of Jenin city and Qabatiya town and did not allow residents to enter or exit the area.