The Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh movement, claimed responsibility for attacking an Israeli military post west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin on Wednesday.The Brigades issued a press release stating that the attack comes in retaliation to the assassination of Ahmad Sanakra, of the Brigades leaders in Nablus city.

The group stated that its fighters clashed with soldiers based in the post using machine guns.

It added that it will continue its resistance activities against the Israeli occupation and called on the Palestinian people to unite and end any internal disputes.

In other news, Israeli soldiers kidnapped on Wednesday morning, Abdullah Oweiss, president of Students Council at Beir Ziet University, near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Oweiss was forced out of his car, and then was blindfolded and taken to an unknown destination after he was severely punched and kicked by the soldiers.

Oweiss became the president of the Students Council two months ago after the soldiers kidnapped the Council’s president Fadi Hamad.

The Islamic Bloc at the University slammed the abduction of Oweiss and stated that the Israeli army is carrying ongoing attacks against the students and their leaders.

Students at the university reported that Oweiss was previously arrested by the Palestinian Security Forces and was released from detention nearly three months ago.

Earlier on Wednesday, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and kidnapped eight residents in the West Bank.