On Friday midday the villagers of Al Khader village located near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem protested today against the illegal Israeli wall being built on the villagers lands.

Around 200 villagers along with international and Israeli supporters gathered at a nearby Israeli military checkpoint just out side the village of Al Khader. The checkpoint is located between the villagers and their lands.

After Friday prayers the march moved toward the checkpoint, where at least 50 Israeli soldiers were there to stop it. Israeli troops stopped the protest and did not allow it to move forward.

Speeches in Arabic and English was delivered by the organizers, the demonstrators were about to leave when Israeli troops fired tear gas at the protest. The tear gas bombs landed in front of the soldiers and near the protesters. Troops pulled back and several Israeli soldiers were treated for the effects of inhaling the teargas that was meant for the protestors. two children from the village if Al Khader sustained light wounds and 9 other protesters were trated for gas inhelation.

The Israeli army closed the checkpoint and did not allow people to cross it for several hours after the protest finished.