Lebanese media sources reported on Monday that the Israeli army shot and killed one Lebanese civilian and kidnapped another from a village at the southern Lebanese Israeli borders on Sunday night.

Witnesses reported that an Israeli army post located at the borders opened fire at a group of farmers near the border village of Al Khiyam, one man was killed and two others injured while the Israeli forces kidnapped another civilian.

The UNFIL peace keeping force moved the dead and the injured to a Lebanese hospital, media sources reported.

The residents of Al Khiyam told media agencies that the Israeli army is conducting nightly operations at the borders and usually fires light bombs at the village.

Al Khiyam among other Lebanese villages located in the south of Lebanon witnessed the second Israeli war on Lebanon ground operations.

The Israeli war on Lebanon in the summer of 2006 left at least 1200 Lebanese killed among them 1000 civilians, while 100 Israelis were killed among them 40 civilians and 60 soldiers.