During a visit to an Israeli military base in the south of Israel, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Thursday that the Israeli army will intensify its military operations in the Gaza Strip, while Palestinian home made shells continue to be launched from the Gaza Strip at Israeli targets. He said that Israel will eventually put an end to by continuing its military operation, by imposing punishments and fortifying the nearby Israeli communities surrounding Gaza Strip.
While Israeli radio reported that the Israeli army will continue carrying out its military operations in the Gaza Strip Palestinian home made shells were being launched from the Gaza strip at Israeli targets. Since early hours of Thursday, more than 15 home made shells have hit Israeli targets.

Israeli Foreign Minister Ztsipi Livni met with the American security coordinator James Johnson and discussed with him the ongoing attacks of Palestinian home made shells from the Gaza Strip and the security situation at the borders with Egypt.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Abu al Gheit said Egyptian Foreign Minister confirmed once again that Egypt will not allow the breaking of its eastern borders again clarifying that allowing the Palestinians to pass through the Rafah border was for humane reasons.

In a televised interview transmitted on the Egyptian TV, Abu al Gheit warned that ‘anyone who breaks into the Egyptian borders, his leg will be broken’. He criticized the on going shelling of the home made shells on Israeli targets noting that these shells are falling near electricity plants and fuel storehouses inside Israel which provide the Gaza strip with fuel and electricity.

Egypt closed the borders with the Gaza strip last Sunday after allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to pass into Sinai last month. One day after closing the borders one was killed, dozens of others were injured in clashes that erupted between Egyptian border guards and Palestinians. Egypt said that it will make thousands of Palestinians who are still on its lands return to the Gaza strip in regulated groups.

translated by Manar jibrin-IMEMC News