Allen Remy, the French Consul to the Palestinian Authority, visited on Wednesday the northern West Bank city of Nablus and described the conditions there as “calm”. He also said that France transferred 24 Million Euros in support to the Palestinian Authority. Remy held a press conference in the city along with the governor of Nablus Dr. Jamal Mheisin.

He said that the EU is committed to transferring donation to the Palestinian Authority for development projects, and added that development cannot be achieve while the Israeli roadblocks and obstacles are barring the residents from moving and from conducting their daily issues.

Remy also said that France, along with Egypt, is seeking unity between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

On his part, Mheisin welcomed the Consul and said that this visit is very important since it enables the international community to observe closely the suffering and obstacles the Palestinians have to face on daily basis.

Mhesin added that he discussed with the vesting official the current situation in Nablus and the economic effects of the Israeli siege over the city and its surrounding villages.