The Egyptian ambassador to Washington, Nabil Fahmy, stated yesterday that his country will not allow Gaza to be isolated from the outside world.
‘ Cairo will make every possible effort in order to reopen the borders with Gaza for entry of essential supplies to the coastal region’, Fahmi was quoted as saying.

The Egyptian diplomat warned of what he termed ‘punishing the Gaza population, saying that Egypt will not allow starving the Palestinian people.

He maintained that Cairo has been in constant contacts with the concerned parties, including the ruling Hamas in Gaza, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel, the United States and Europe, in order to prevent a humanitarian crisis to Gaza’s residents.

Fahmy’s remarks were reported by an American think tank website (AHN).

Late on January, the Egyptian authorities sealed off a breached border line with Gaza, after Cairo allowed needy Gazans to bring in essential supplies amidst a crippling Israeli closure of the coastal strip, since June of last year.

On January23, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flooded into the nearby Egyptian town of aL-Arish, as the Israeli closure reached a climax, with food, medicine, fuel and raw materials items, made scarce for the past eight months.