Palestinian medical sources said that the three Palestinians have been reportedly killed after an Israeli shell hit them in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun.Witnesses said that a land-to-land Israeli missile targeted the three young men to the east of Beit Hanoun city, leading to their instant death.

The medics identified one of the killed as Talal Za’aneen, while the other two remained unidentified up to writing this report.

Local sources confirmed that those killed were civilians, who work for a Jordanian bank in Gaza.

Israeli media sources said the army spotted three persons, while prepared to launch a homemade shells onto nearby Israeli areas.

Israeli army killed more than 300 Palestinians, including dozens of civilians, over the past year, as Israel has been claiming it is targeting resistance fighters who fire homemade shells onto adjacent Israeli town.

The Israeli army actions against Gaza, have gone unabated since June of last year, with an economic blockade in place an several killings of civilians, when the Islamist Hamas movement took over the coastal region.