Head of the Negotiations Support Unit at the Palestine Liberation Organization Dr. Sa’eb Ereikat, denied on Monday any meeting between Palestinian and Israeli experts regarding the issue of water and economy as part of the final status proposed agreement.The Palestinian official told the Palestinian national radio that’ if there is a need for talks between Palestinian and Israeli experts, it will be within the Palestinian negotiation team.’

Ereikat’s comments camse after Israeli media sources reported on Sunday that Palestinian and Israeli experts in the issues of water and economy have held their first meeting in Jerusalem city as part of the peace talks between the two sides.

The sources added that the experts’ committees were formed by the Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and the head of the Palestinian negotiation team Ahmad Qurei. Those committees, the sources said, include ten experts on deferent issue including water and economy from each side.

In his statement on Monday, Ereikat also denied that the Palestinian-Israeli meetings come to prepare for the up coming visit of the US Secretary of Stat Condoleezza Rice to the region. He said’ will continue to meet with the Israelis to talk about the final status agreement, I can’t explain further.’

Answering the questions regarding the Israeli position in the negotiations Ereikat said ‘It’s a mater of needs and interests, we do not oblige anyone to negotiate, if Israel is interested to make peace based on the international law, the Arab Peace Initiative, and the Road Map peace plan, then there will be a peace deal.’

The Palesinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have been meeting for the past 12 months or more, without a tangible change on the ground that ease the life of Palestinians despite of the Isreli promises.