A special undercover unit of the Israeli army invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday morning, killing one, wounding three and kidnapping five,local sources reported.

Eyewitnesses stated that troops disguised as vegetable traders drove a truck into the city. Troops opened fire at a Palestinian security office in Nablus city as five resistance fighters of the Al Aqsa brigades the armed wing of Fatah were leaving it.

The five fighters were injured, then taken political prisoner by the undercover force. The Israeli army later announced the death of Ibraheem al-Masemi, 25, one of those injured previously. He was handed over to Palestinian ambulance crews at a nearby military checkpoint.

Dr. Ghassan Hamdan of the Palestinian Medical Relief Services in Nablus told IMEMC that the troops prevented local medics from attending t the injured and forced the ambulance back. Hamdan added that civilians bystanders incurred light injuries in the Israeli fire.

The Al Aqsa brigades of Fatah said on Tuesday afternoon at the funeral of Al-Masemi that they will no longer commit to the truce agreed with Israel five months ago.

Hanni Al Ka’aby, of the Al Aqsa brigades told IMEMC that his group will continue their resistance.
‘ the Al Aqsa brigades will no longer commit to the truce because the Israeli army knows only the language of killing …we committed to the truce to give our political leaders a chance in the political process, but the Israeli army is not interested in peace.’

In late 2007 Palestinian resistance group, the Al Aqsa brigades agreed to demands by the Palestinian President and Fatah leader , Mahmoud Abbas, to give the political process a chance.

A deal was reached in which required Fatah resistance fighters to hand their weapons in to the Palestinian Authority, and to renounce violence. in return the Israeli army will stop their attacks and remove their names from their wanted list. The deal included around 350 resistance fighters mostly from the northeren West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin.

Al Ka’aby said that those attacked today were part of this deal, and had committed to it since its agreement. He added,’ we know now that the army does not want this truce and the deal was a trap for the resistance.’