Israeli forces invaded several parts of the West Bank in the early hours of Wednesday morning and kidnapped at least eight Palestinians, among those 11 from the northern West Bank city of Jenin.Sources reported that at least 20 military vehicles invaded Jenin city and ransacked several civilian homes in different neighborhoods of the city.

Sources added that the Palestinian resistance clashed with the invaded troops during the operation, but no causalities were reported. Most of the abducted Palestinians are Hamas affiliated, said the sources.

The army also invaded al-Ymoun town and kidnapped two, one is a member of the al-Aqsa brigades, the armed wing of Fatah named as, Iyad Hosheya.

Also in the northern part of the West Bank, mainly in Qalqilia city, several military vehicles invaded the city, ransacked several neighborhoods and kidnapped four Palestinians. Among the abducted were, Mohamad Khalaf,20 and Mahdi J’eidi,20 and they were moved to an undisclosed detention center.

Elsewhere, the army kidnapped a Palestinian from al-Fare’ah refugee camp, near Nablus after invading and searching the area.

The remaining abductees are from different areas of the West Bank and there is still no further information from the sources.

Translated by Nisreen Qumsieh- IMEMC New.