n Monday, the military Radio of Israel revealed a new plan to build 400 housing units in the illegal Israeli settlement of Naveh Yakov northeast of East Jerusalem

The Israeli municipality of Jerusalem is applying for the construction of these housing units which will connect the settlement of Naveh Yakov with another nearby settlement, part of which is within the green line which Israel considers as the separating boundary with the West Bank
The Israeli movement of ‘ Peace Now’ commented on the plan saying ‘it considers it as a step towards having a geographical contiguity of settlements between East Jerusalem and the nearby settlement that is located outside the Separation Wall.’

Dr Saeb Eirikat, head of the negotiations affairs’ department in the Palestine Liberation Organization said ‘we were surprised about the Israeli decision that was released on Sunday for the construction of 850 housing units in the illegal settlement of Gevaat Zeav north of East Jerusalem. This is very dangerous and should be condemned because actually either there is peace negotiations or attacks and settlements. Israel can not have the two tracks together’

According to Eirikat, Palestinian officials had asked the US administration to intervene to prevent Israel from carrying out such actions since they will inevitably thwart the peace process and the credibility required to accomplish the goals of the process.

He expressed his hopes that the Middle East Quartet would intervene to halt the new settlement construction project to provide the needed atmosphere to protect the peace process.

Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert had approved on Sunday the construction of (750) housing units in the settlement of Gevaat Zeav justifying it as a procedure that comes within the policy of the high demand on housing after the demographic increase in Jerusalem.