Deputy-minister of the Palestinian foreign ministry, Ahmad Sobaih, said on Thursday that it is time for Washington to act in response to Israeli occupation practices against Palestinians. Sobaih’s remarks, reported by the Palestine Radio station, came in reaction to the latest Israeli targeted killing of four Palestinians in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

‘The latest extra-judicial assassination of four Palestinian residents in Bethlehem, should serve as a reminder to Washington with respect to its obligations towards peace in the region’, Sobaih was quoted as saying.

He added that Palestinians are no longer convinced of Washington’s verbal concern over the Israeli actions and what is needed now is much more action by the United States.

‘ It is not enough that Washington speaks against illegal Israeli settlements; it is rather required to take a much firm stance against such an Israel practice’, he explained.

An Israeli army special undercover unit carried out a targeted assassination attack on Wednesday, claiming the lives of four Palestinians. Israeli sources alleged they were involved in attacks against Israelis.

The Palestinian Authority and Israel signed agreement in 2003 to a U.S-backed road map peace plan, which demands that Israel stop settlement activities while Palestinians refrain from attacks on Israel.

Up to the writing of this report, the Israeli government has not halted settlements as Palestinians continue to respond to many Israeli practices including the apartheid Wall in the West Bank and daily arrest campaigns as well as a crippling closure of the Gaza Strip.