Bulldozers belonging to the so-called Civil Administration Office, which is under the Israeli army control in the occupied territories, demolished on Wednesday three Palestinian houses in two villages near Jerusalem.Two houses were demolished in Hizma village and one house was in Al Jeeb village.

The first demolished house belongs to resident Sa’id Arman, who was kidnapped by the army several months ago and is currently detained in Hadarim Israeli prison.

The house is located close to the Hizma secondary School for Boys and is close to the Annexation Wall. The father of Sa’id, Abu Thaher, said that he presented a construction license to the soldiers but they went on and demolished the house.

The house was constructed five years ago and included four rooms, bathroom and a balcony. Abu Thaher lived in the houses along with his wife and four children. The family went into huge dept to build the house. Abu Thaher said that this demolishing is unjust and violates his right and the right of his family to build and live on their own land.

He demanded the Palestinian Authority to intervene and to help him in rebuilding his home. The second demolished home belongs to resident Ahmad Al Nunu, and was built eight years ago. It included three bedrooms and other facilities. The third house belongs to resident Fawzi Ka’ayna, located in Al Jeeb village. It included three bedrooms, a living room and other facilities. Al Ka’ayna stated that he was at home with his wife, his mother and his sister when the army came and forced them out while shouting at them.

His mother, Maisa, 56, was pushed on the ground by one of the soldiers and lost consciousness as she suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure. The house was then demolished after workers who accompanied the army through the furniture out causing damage to most of it.