Sources close to the Hamas movement in the West Bank reported that Palestinian Security Forces, loyal to the Fateh movement, arrested five supporters of the movement in several West Bank areas on Thursday.The sources stated that in the Tulkarem district, in the northern part of the West Bank, PA forces arrested Ziad Raddad, a teacher from Saida village north of the city after ordering him to report to a security center for interrogation.

In the Jenin district, also in the northern part of the West Bank, security forces arrested Ebada Nawahda, a student at Al Najah University in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

In Nablus security forces arrested Naseem Al Kharraz and Ameed Al Kharraz after forcibly entering their home.  Ameed was imprisoned released last month from Israeli detention.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, security forces arrested Amer Abu Aisha after forcibly entering his home.