A group of Israeli settlers from illegal settlement of Havet Ma’on south of Hebron city, in the southern West Bank, opened fire at Palestinian shepherds and their sheep on Wednesday midday injuring three sheep.

Christian Peace Maker Teams, (CPT), an American human rights group working in the Hebron area, told IMEMC that shepherds from Towani village, near the settlement, were grazing their sheep when Israeli settlers opened fire at them and injured three sheep.

A fourth sheep is missing, lost when the herds bolted from the gun fire.

CPT added Israeli police and army arrived in the area. The settlement of Havet Ma’on and its sister Ma’on settlement were built on land illegal taken from the village of Towani, the Israeli army along with the settlers attack the villages and their life stock with is their main source of income in order to intimidate the shepherds into leaving the area.