Palestinian medical sources reported that ten Palestinians were injured during an on going Israeli army invasion targeting Al Qarrara village in the southern part of the Gaza strip.

Al Qudes brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad confirmed that two of the group’s fighters were injured during the clashes that took place between the invading troops and the resistance.

‘a number of the brigades fighters clashed with the invading force, inflicting injuries among the Israeli soldiers’, the Al Qudes brigades statement explained.

The group maintained that such a clash is a part of the resistance response to the continued Israeli army actions against the Palestinian resistance fighters including the arrest campaign in the West Bank.

Palestinian media reports said that the Israeli force in the Qarrara town attacked and searched homes then kidnapped seven Palestinians including a woman.

Witnesses said that scores of Israeli soldiers broke into the Palestinian-owned houses there and rounded up some civilians, including Ahmad Serour and his son, Atef aL-Najjar and his wife, Yousef Fayyad, Mohammad Fayad and a nother of the Abed family.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army kidnapped five Palestinians from the northern parts of Gaza Strip, after a dozen of tanks, accompanied with a bulldozer, and invaded the Sifa area, just north of Beit Lahiya town in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

These kidnappings came after the soldiers searched the local houses and forces inhabitants out, using loud speakers. Also, the Israeli bulldozer began razing farm lands in the area, under the protection of the tanks, witnesses said.