Jamal al Khudari, head of the popular committee against the siege warned on Saturday with the continued stoppage of fuel to Gaza, then the power plants will be forced to shut down.

During a press conference held in the main power plant in the central Gaza Strip, Al khudari called for Palestinian, Arab and international efforts to pressure Israel into lifting the siege of Gaza and to allow the fuel into the Gaza Strip.  "When the power plant shuts down then everything shuts down causing devastion in the strip." 

Every aspect of life in the Palestinian coastal regional will paralysed including health and environmental services. When the power is cut off all of means of communication will be obstructed and around 90% of vehicles will be stuck across the entire Strip.

He clarified that shortage of fuel has caused the stoppage of water aquifers leading to the destruction of the agricultural sector.

The industrial and commercial sectors  are already paralyzed due to the tight blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip. He noted that the plants for the treatment of sewage water have stopped functioning.The waste water is now pumped directly into the sea.

He demanded for the opening of crossings from Gaza into the West Bank and the opening of the Rafah border crossing. he called for the freeing up transportation and commerce and for the release of Palestinian goods held in the Israeli ports .

Al Khudari concluded that "the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip insist on these demands and do not want to live begging for aid, but to work with freedom and dignity and play their role in running their life without suffering siege and attacks,  but pave their way to gain their national rights."