Palestinian sources reported that the Israeli army kidnapped 26 Palestinians from several parts of the West Bank on Thursday at dawn.The army invasions were focused in the southern West Bank cities of Hebron and Bethlehem as well as northern West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin.

The sources said that 11 Palestinians were kidnapped from Nablus, as 50 military vehicles stormed the city and nearby refugee camp of Balata, eyewitnesses reported. Troops searched and ransacked homes, the witnesses added, before kidnapping the civilians.

The Israeli army radio stated that those kidnapped today are on what the army calls ‘Wanted Palestinians.’
The Palestinian securiety forces have recently redeployed in Jenin and Nablus in coordination with the Israeli army in order to assume security control over them, as a result of the Abbas-Olmert meetings. The army, however, continued to invade the citied and kidnapp Palestinians alleging that they are wanted.