I wonder when we will get our freedom? While we are passing the 3rd of May of each year, World Press Freedom Day, but which freedom we are obtaining? While our words are no longer audible even in Palestine! And who wants to hear us while Palestine is divided, which freedom are we looking for, while the stick became the response to those who seek to express themselves freely!Despite the presence of hope in reaching the required freedom in Palestine, through media initiatives to launch a public freedoms in Palestine, starting by a media truce between Fatah and Hamas, and extended to allow Hamas newspapers and television stations work in the West Bank, same as for Palestine Television in Gaza, and also through media conferences such as the one held in Jericho by Amin Media Network.

The conferences consistently calls for activating the role of Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, as it is completely absent from the media scene, and the abolition of the Information Ministry, which was described as a burden on the body of the Palestinian media, and to have a media council instead of it which is made of experts in journalism from Palestine, with laws and regulations to organize the career for an advanced level of professionalism and independence.

It is really shameful to know that Palestine was ranked 158 in the measurement of freedoms of press, and that was confirmed in the report of Reporters Without Borders, especially since we know that this figure is made of 169 state assessments referred to reunification, all of that while we are speaking about freedom during the World Press Freedom Day!

It is the time that everyone should work hand in hand, not only journalists, for the public freedoms, which include freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press sought by everyone; the political level, government, nongovernmental organizations, and even individuals, to make sure that we build for the future to guarantee for future generations to live freely on all fronts.

We must overcome everything to reach the desired freedom, and professionalism is the only issue to solve all problems and conflicts, as Palestine is a hot spot where media can not ignore, and where thousands of journalists from all over the world including us Palestinians working around, How can we accept it to remain without freedom, or to be in a low ranking in this area!

As the war of our freedom from Israeli occupation is no less important than the war to be fought for the freedom of the press, let us work from today, the World Press Freedom Day, to make sure that we achieve a lot for the freedom of the press in the next year which ensures us a high ranking worldwide. Freedom for all!