An Israeli army contingent cordoned off early on Sunday morning a high school in the West Bank town of Azzoun, 10 kilometers to the east of Qalqilia city.

Witnesses said that the army force was deployed in the scene after an Israeli settler's car was attacked by stones near the school, causing the injury of a woman and a child.

Ayman Majd, headmaster of the school, told media outlets that the Israeli occupation forces have besieged the 490-student school and that the officer in charge of the contingent wanted to detain some students, claiming they have hurled a settler car with stones.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces imposed a curfew on the Azzoun town yesterday night until it was lifted by Sunday morning. The army swept into the 1,0000-inhabitant-populated town and closed all its entrances.

Over the past several months, the Azzoun town has been suffering from a crippling Israeli siege, while pass-by roads have been erected by the Israeli army for the exclusive use of Israeli settlers. The Israeli army chief, in command, was reportedly declared he would shoot to death those children, suspected of throwing stones on the settlers cars, PNN reported.