Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, their political and social leaders conducted a general strike in the occupied city of Jerusalem in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Nabka, while Israeli soldiers and policemen were intensively deployed in the area. The residents were also protesting the visit of the US president Georg Bush and several other world leaders who came to “celebrate Israel’s independence” ignoring the Palestinian disposition and how Israel uprooted the Palestinian people from their lands.

The residents stated that the participation of Bush and other leaders violate the Palestinian right and all international legitimacy resolutions. They confirmed their steadfastness and determination to return to their homeland and land of their fathers and forefathers.

In Bab Al Amoud area, in the Old City of Jerusalem, Fateh movement held a protest in which the participants released into the skies of the city balloons representing the colors of the Palestinian flag.  Some of the participants rode their bicycles carrying black flags and Palestinian flags.

The protesters also carried UN flags with 194 written on them, as UN resolution number 194 calls for the Right of Return to all Palestinian refugees, a resolution which Israel totally ignores.

Hatim Abdul-Qader, Jerusalem Affairs advisor to Palestinian PM Dr. Salaam Fayyad, said that these activities were held in Jerusalem to send a message to the world the Jerusalem is an Arab city, the capital of all Arab States in spite of all Israeli illegal measures to isolate the city.

“No peace without Jerusalem”, Abdul-Qader stated, “No peace without the Right of Return”.

Mousa Al Abbasy, head of the Jerusalem Youth parliament, said that “on this day, the Palestinians reaffirm their steadfastness and their legitimate right to have Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state”.

“Our youth have a dream to raise the Palestinian flags on the mosques, churches and walls of Jerusalem”, he added.

Commenting on the Israeli celebrations of the so-called independence, and the participation of several countries in these celebrations, Al Abbasy said that “these celebrations violate the Palestinian rights, and violate the international legitimacy”.

He called on the Arab countries to support the steadfastness of the Palestinians in Jerusalem, and to defend the Al Aqsa Mosque and the city.

Dmitri Diliani, spokesperson of Fateh movement in Jerusalem, said that “The heart of Jerusalem is broken as its remembers the ethnic cleansing carried against the Palestinian people and their lands”.

He added that the Palestinians demand peace, and demand their legitimate rights.

He also said that the United Nations should be reminded of its resolution number 194.

Diliani slammed the participation of Bush and other world leaders in Israel’s “Independence celebrations”.

Hazim Gharabla, secretary of Fateh office of national institutions, said that the Israeli occupation is illegal, and violates the Palestinian rights. He also said that the Palestinians have the right to express their opinion.

He stated that Israel is ongoing with its attempts to void the Arab and Palestinian history and presence n Jerusalem “but the youth, children and residents of Jerusalem confirm that their city in Arab”.

Regarding Bush’s participation in Israel’s “independence celebrations”, Gharabla said this proves that the US Administration supports the Israeli occupation of Palestine.