The Good Shepherd Church in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and the Palestine Forum, held an activity on Wednesday at night commemorating the Nakba. Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, representatives of Private and Governmental Institutions participated in the protest.  The protesters lit candles and carried posters confirming the Palestinian Right of Return while church bills rang sad tones.

Father Ibrahim Narouz stated that commemorating the Nakba is affirming the Right of Return, and added that the Palestinian people are still paying a heavy price while Israel continues to occupy them and their land.

He called on all Palestinians to unite and remain steadfast, and added that the Palestinians will never abandon their right to return to their homeland.

Sheikh Hamid Al Betawi, member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said that the Palestinians want to send a message to the world that they are united, will not discriminate between Muslims and Christians, and will never abandon their rights, will never forget their country.

Al Betawi added that the Nakba is the biggest crime in the twentieth century and that displacement of the Palestinian people “is another crime that we faced, affected by internal and external factors, the occupation is responsible for these crimes, Europe, the United States and all Arab and Muslim leaders are responsible for this Nabka”, he added.

He also said that there are 10 Million Palestinian refugees scattered in the West Bank and around the globe, “They are still displaced, still suffering”, he stated, “But the occupation, as any occupation in history, will vanish”.

Zuheir Al Bad’ey, of the Palestine Forum, said that the Palestinians must end the internal tension and divisions, and added that the first priority liberation, and the right of return.

He also said that after 60 years of the Nabka, the Palestinians will remain steadfast, will never abandon their rights.  

Translated by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC