The Alqassam brigades, the armed wing of the ruling Islamist Hamas party in Gaza claimed on Wednesday that one of their fighters was killed early in the morning to the east of the central Gaza Strip refugee camp of aL-Buraij.
In a statement, faxed to press, the brigades said that Ahmad Albahaysa, 25-year-old, was killed during a ‘resistance mission’ in the Johr Adeik area, in eastern Buraij camp.

Meanwhile, the armed wings of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza declared yesterday night they jointly fired a ‘developed homemade shell’ onto the Israeli town of Ashkelon ‘Asqallan’, 12 kilometers away from the Gaza Strip.

An Israeli air strike on Gaza killed yesterday a Qassam fighter and wounded at least two others, within the continued Israeli army attacks on the coastal region, since the Islamist Hamas party took over control over there in June2007.