Two Palestinian resistance groups have carried out a suicide attack targeting the Israeli border crossing of Erez located at the northern Israel-Gaza borders on Thursday morning.

A truck loaded with explosive was driven by a Palestinian to the crossing, then the man exploded the truck along with him inside.

The Al Aqsa brigades the armed wing of Fatah, along with the Al Qudes brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, clamed responciblity for the attack.

Palestinian sources said that the truck was loaded with four tons of explosives, the two groups named the attacker as 23-year-old Ibrahim Nasser from Jabalya refugee camp in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli sources said that troops at the crossing opened fire at the truck and stopped it then the truck exploded, the sources said that the attacker was the only one killed. They also reported no injures among Israeli troops.

In a Separate attack on Thursday morning, Saleim Al Bahaysa, 65, a Palestinian farmer, was killed after Israeli troops opened fire on Palestinian farmers in the area of Johr Addeik in the Al Buraij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Witnesses said Israeli military vehicles invaded the area in the early morning, and military bulldozers began digging up agricultural lands.

In the southern Gaza Strip, meanwhile clashes erupted between Palestinian fighters and Israeli soldiers near Kisufim east of Khan Younis.