The Ahrar Center for Detainees Studies issued a press release on Tuesday slamming Israeli attacks against several institutions and societies in Nablus, as well as the Israeli orders to shut down several societies, including the Nafha Society for Human Rights and the Defense of Detainees. The society, along with several other institutions in the northern West Bank city of Nablus were shut down by Israeli forces who invaded the city.


The society defends Palestinian and Arab detainees imprisoned by Israel and is considered one of the leading human rights groups in Palestine.

The Ahrar Center demanded Human Rights Groups and the International Community to intervene and stop the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and their institutions.

Following the Israeli attack against the city and its institutions, several national and Islamic factions in Nablus called for a general strike in the city.

The Nafha Society issued a press release calling on President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Dr. Salaam Fayyad to intervene and stop the Israeli attacks which violate the Palestinian sovereignty, especially since Nablus is under the control of the Palestinian Authority.

The society slammed the Israeli attack and stated that the army closed the facility for two years after receiving orders from the Civil Administration Office, which is under the control of the Israeli Army in the occupied West Bank.

The society added that soldiers also confiscated the equipment and belongings of the society after breaking into the building.

The Palestinian Center For Human Rights and the Union of Arab Societies also disparaged the recent Israeli attacks and the closure of charitable and human rights societies in Nablus.