Fahmi Al Za’areer, spokesperson of Fateh movement, accused Hamas movement of causing the death of Bassam Al Anani, 40, one of Fateh members, who was arrested by Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip and died in one of their prisons.

Al Anani died on Saturday after one month in captivity. Al Za’areer said that Al Anani was tortured by Hamas security forces and was hospitalized for 15 days but the doctors could not save his live due to the severity of his condition.

The spokesperson added that Al Anani is the brother of Mahmoud, a Fateh member who was killed in a suicide attack against Kfar Darom Israeli settlement on May, 7, 2003.

Al Za’areer accused Hamas of acting in order to foil all national unity efforts and added that Hamas is ongoing with its violations in the Gaza Strip.

He also stated that there are solid proofs that Al Anani was tortured and claimed that Hamas forces used gas against the detainee by inserting a tube hooked to cooking gas into his abdomen which toxified his body, according to the spokesperson.

He demanded a probe into the death of Anani adding that his probe should be conducted by human rights groups and national institutions.

Al Za’areer added that Al Anani the thirteenth victim who was killed by Hamas’ forces.