Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Thursday evening that a 10-month old infant died at a local hospital in Gaza after Israel barred his family from transferring him to a hospital outside the Gaza Strip. Earlier on Thursday a 6-year old child died of kidney failure.

The sources stated that Waseem Hamdan, 10 months, needed urgent medical treatment out of the Gaza Strip as the ongoing Israeli siege emptied Gaza hospitals of the basic equipment and medications.

Earlier on Thursday a 6-year old child, identified as Imad Al Oweiny, died of kidney failure, at a local hospital in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli siege on Gaza led to the death of more than 211 patients, including 46 children.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported that although one month passed since achieving the truce deal, Israel did not implement its side of the part of the agreement which states that it should reopen the border crossing, especially the Rafah border terminal.

The ministry added that Israel does not allow the patients to be moved to hospitals abroad to receive the needed treatement.

The ministry demanded international human rights groups to intervene and stop the Israeli violations which the ministry described as “organized annihilation practiced by Israel against 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip”.


Death toll rises to 210 as one more patient dies due to the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip

Rula Shahwan, IMEMC News, Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:58:58

Medical sources reported on Friday morning that the death toll among patients in the Gaza Strip arrived to 210 as a 10 month old infant died this morning as his family was banned from moving him out of the Gaza Strip to seek the needed medical treatment.

Medical sources reported that a number of patients in the Gaza Strip are facing death as they are also banned from seeking medcal treatment abroad.

Last month, both Israel and Palestinian Resistance factions in Gaza agreed to a truce, after long Egyptian mediation efforts.

The deal stipulates that Hamas will stop the firing of homemade shells into Israeli territory in exchange for Israel lifting the 12-month blockade and ceasing all military attacks against the Coastal Region.