Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, denied reports that it received an official invitation to start national talks in Cairo in preparation to Palestinian national talks. The movement said that it doubts the serious of the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to hold talks.

Hamas political leader, Dr. Mahmoud Zahhar, stated on Wednesday that Hamas did not receive any official invitation to hold internal talks, and warned of what he described as “tactical maneuvers” that would not lead to real reconciliation.

Zahhar also said that Abbas is willing to hold talks but “lacks the seriousness needed to achieve reconciliation”. He added that one should know the difference between tactical maneuvers and strategic decisions.

“In fact, President Abbas seeks dialogue as a tactical stage, he might even send delegates and declare the resumption of talks”, Zahhar stated, “But he lacks genuine intentions to start serious and sincere talks”.  

Furthermore, Zahhar said that recent statements by Israeli leaders regarding peace talks for a final settlement are only “balloons to measure public opinion”, and added that the Israeli proposals are anyway rejected by the Palestinians as they do not even fulfill the basic Palestinian demands.

He also added that the Palestinian Authority, headed by Abbas, is not informing the public of what is happening in the “secret talks” with Israel as these talks have been ongoing since several months without any results or even statements to the media.