The Israeli army dispersed the weekly nonviolent protest in Nil'in village, located south of the West Bank city of Ramallah on Thursday midday with gas, guns and grenades, causing the injury of 9 civilians; local sources reported.

A group of internationals and peace activists marched nonviolently in a protest of solidarity with the people of Nil'in village. The protest was against the illegal wall being built on the village lands that has led to the illegal closures and confiscation of land and property. The protestors were also demonstrating against the Israeli killings of local civilians. The protestors walked towards the wall with the intention of reaching the villagers lands behind it.  Israeli troops shot CS gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, and concussion grenades at the protesters. 9 civilians were shot, among them 4 children. Dozens were also reported to have suffered from gas inhalation. All were transferred to local hospitals.