After two petitions were filed against the route of a section of the Annexation Wall near Jerusalem, the Israeli High Court of Justice decided to reroute the Wall in order to avoid annexing more Palestinian lands.

The decision came after the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and his Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, notified the court of the government’s decision to reroute the Wall.

 Israeli sources reported that the office of the State Prosecutor notified the Court on Thursday of the decision which will spare some 4.000 Dunams of Palestinian lands near Maali Adumim settlement, east of Jerusalem.

 A statement released by the Israeli government on Thursday said that the new route is considered a significant change in plans for the Annexation Wall in East Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that nine protestors were wounded on Thursday after the army attacked a peaceful protest against the Wall in Ni’lin village, south of the West Bank city of Ramallah.