A group of Israeli settlers, some of them armed, harrased Palestinian civilians in the West Bank city of Hebron on Tuesday morning, local sources reported.

Eye witnesses said that a group of Israeli settlers from Kiryat Arba' settlement in Hebron, and settlers in the occupied Al-Jabiri building, attacked houses and threw stones and glass bottles at houses and at civilians and school children passing in the of Al Nasara neighborhood and Al-Ja'abari neighborhood.

Threee houses were identified to belong to, Shadi, Jalal and Salah Al-Ja'abari, were attacked by the settlers. 

The Palestinian news Agenecy WAFA reported that settlers also assaulted members of Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), as they were called to document the settlers assault.

The TIPH is is an international unarmed force, present in Hebron after the Wye River memo of understanding between the Palestinian Authority and Israel of 1997, and is observinghuman rights violations by the Israeli settlers and soldiers in Hebron.

Most of the settler attacks go unreported or documented a number of settler assaults against Palestinians have been documented on tape esepcially in Hebron.

The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem distributed cameras to Palestinians in hot areas to document army and settler abuses of human rights when they happen.

Few months ago, one of these cameras caught Jewish settlers from Ma'on settlement in the south-Hebron hills on tape, beating Palestinian farmers from Tuwani village with baseball bats.