Israeli sources reported Wednesday that the Israeli cabinet approved the release of 20 Palestinian female political prisoners in exchange for a video that proves without any doubt that the captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, is still alive. The office or Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, issued a press release stating that the deal would be carried out on Friday after the video tape, clearly showing Shalit alive, is received.

Netanyahu said that it is very important to receive a proof that Shalit is still among the living before any deal is carried out, and held Hamas responsible for his life.

Israel informed the family of Shalit on the latest developments.

Israeli Ynet News reported that Israel accepted the deal, which was presented by Egyptian mediators, and considered it a confidence building measure.

The Ynet added that Israel is demanding an unequivocal proof of the condition of the captured soldier.

Shalit was captured more than three years ago when Palestinian fighters attacked a bordering military base; two soldiers and two fighters were killed in the attack.