The Israeli police released on Sunday evening Hatim Abdul-Qader, head of the Jerusalem branch the Fateh movement, and Sheikh Kamal Al Khatib, deputy head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, after fining and deporting them out of the Old City. The two were interrogated for several hours, and were released by a court decision under strict preconditions.

Abdul-Qader was forced to pay 20.000 NIS fine and will not be allowed in the Old city or even near its walls for two weeks. He is also required to head to the closest Israeli police station whenever he is ordered to.

Sheikh Kamal Al Khatib was forced to pay 10.000 NIS fine, and was deported from Jerusalem for two weeks.

The Israeli police detained Al Khatib and Abdul-Qader after charging them with incitement and leading the latest protest and clashes with the Israeli Police in East Jerusalem and around the Al Aqsa Mosque.