The Hamas movement welcomed the Human Rights Council vote on the Goldstone report, and considered its approval as a victory to the Palestinian people and their sacrifices.The movement considered the vote as an important step towards prosecuting war criminals in Israel.

In a press release, Hamas said that this victory is the outcome of the determination of Arab and Islamic countries, and other countries around the world “to ensure the prosecution of Zionist war criminals at the International Court”.

The movement thanked its supporters and the countries that voted for the report.

Hamas spokesperson, Fawzi Barhoum, said that approving the Goldstone report is a victory for justice and the victims of ‘Zionist crimes’.

Barhoum added that Hamas welcomes the approval as it is a victory for the Palestinians rights and people.

He also slammed the countries that voted against the report and said that ‘those countries claim to be defending Human Rights and democracy”.

It is worth mentioning that the report accused both Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes during the war. Israel totally rejected to cooperate with the investigation committee and rejected the report, while Hamas showed full cooperation.