Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, stated Tuesday that the intentions of Mahmoud Abbas to declare elections on January 25 2010, is an attempt to blackmail Hamas movement and an unjustified step that aims at voiding all chances of reconciliation.Hamas spokesperson, Sami Abu Zuhri, said that Hamas wants reconciliation and unity, and is not demanding voiding the Egyptian document, but is demanding modifications so that it includes agreement reached in previous months.

Abu Zuhri added that Hamas is committed to all previous understandings and deals.

Furthermore, the Hamas spokesperson stated that his movement wants to hold talks on some points that were added to the document, and some points that were removed.

He said that the statement of Abbas and his Ramallah-based government regarding elections are blackmail especially since Egypt, the mediator between Hamas and Fateh, said that it rejects Palestinian elections before reconciliation.

Abu Zuhri stated that the statements of Abbas in this regard are false, and that Egypt informed Hamas that there will be no elections before reconciliation and unity, and that elections date cannot be set without an agreement with all factions.