After a gag order was lifted on the apprehension of Jewish terrorist, Yaakov Teitel, the Israeli domestic security service, Shin Bet, stated that there are several Jewish terrorists who are still on the loose and that they might be plotting for terrorist attacks. 56983

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After a gag order was lifted on the apprehension of Jewish terrorist, Yaakov Teitel, the Israeli domestic security service, Shin Bet, stated that there are several Jewish terrorists who are still on the loose and that they might be plotting for terrorist attacks.

Israeli sources reported that Teitel carries an extremist fundamental ideology that pushed him to kill Palestinians, attack and plot to kill Israelis.

He was born on November 1972 in Florida in the Unites States of America.
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, thanked the Shin Bet for arresting Teitel.

Teitel is a resident of the Shvut Rachel illegal settlement and also works as a settlement guard. September security guard roster still shows his name highlighted with a yellow marker.

He is believed to be behind several domestic terrorist attacks carried out in 1997.

He was apprehended under suspicion that he planned to kill Professor Zeev Sternhell. He was apprehended in connection to a bomb that was planted near the house of Sternhell.

Professor Sternhell said that the arrest of Teitel is a victory for democracy.
Israeli paper Maariv reported Monday morning that Teitel confesses to committing the following terrorist attacks;

1. August 3, 19971; shot and killed Issa Mustafa, from Yatta town near Hebron.
2. Stabbed a Palestinian man in Jerusalem, in 1997.
3. July 8, 1997; shot and killed Sameer Bleesy, a Palestinian cab driver from Jerusalem.
4. March 2003; planted an explosive charge in front of the home of a Palestinian family in Sinjil village, near Ramallah, the bomb was defused before it went off.
5. February 11, 2006; planted an explosive in front of the police stations in Alia settlement. The bomb was safely defused.
6. April 4, 2007; planted an explosive in an Arab area near Beit Shemesh settlement; the explosive went off wounding one Palestinian worker.
7. March 15, 2007; planted an explosive near an Israeli police vehicle. The explosive went off causing no injuries.
8. July 8, 2007; planted an explosive in Yigal Yadin street in Jerusalem, the explosive went off near an Israeli police vehicle; no injuries.

It is worth mentioning that fundamental settler, Asher Feisgin, who shot and killed four Palestinian workers in 2005, is also from Shvut Rachel settlement.

In the period between 1980 and 1984, a terrorist group of 29 settlers carried several organized attacks against the Palestinians.

In 1980, the group planted explosives in the vehicles of three Palestinian mayors from the West Bank.

Former Nablus Mayor, Bassam Shak’a, lost his legs when the group wired his vehicle; former Ramallah Mayor lost his leg in a similar attack, and former Al Biereh Mayor, Ibrahim Tawil was wounded in a similar attack.

Group members also opened fire at the Islamic College in Hebron, planned to detonate bombs in the Al Aqsa Mosque, and also planned to detonate explosives in Palestinian buses.

Another terrorist group, known as Bat Ayin, was uncovered after attempting to plant explosive in an Arab girls school in East Jerusalem.

The same group was behind the fetal shooting targeting eight Palestinian workers; several settlers were arrested but were released later on.

In 1998, a fundamental group was behind the stabbing of several Palestinians in East Jerusalem, and also planted explosives in the city; two Palestinians, identified as Khairy Alqam and Osama Al Natsha were killed. Members of the group were never apprehended.

In 1985, a Palestinian man, identified as 1985, was killed by fundamental settlers of Maaleh Adumim.

In 1995, fundamental Jewish doctor, settler Baroch Goldstein, shot and killed 29 Palestinians while praying at the Ibrahimi mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron. Dozens were wounded.

In 1990, a fundamental settler shot and killed seven Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians were working in Rishon Lezion settlement in Jerusalem.

In 1998, a settler killed a Palestinian young woman from Hebron, and another settler from Itamar settlement stoned a Palestinian worker to death.

In 2003, a settler identified as Aleran Golan, tried to assassinate Arab member of Knesset, Issam Makhoul, by planting an explosive in his vehicle.

In 2006, settler Etan Natan Zada, borded an Arab bus in Shfa-Amr and opened fire at the passengers, killing four residents including two sisters.

In 2007, a settler tried to stab Arab cab driver in Al Tour, in East Jerusalem. Another Taxi driver identified as Taiseer Al Karaky was stabbed to death by a settler identified as Julian Sofer.

The latest attempt to attack Palestinian cab drivers in Jerusalem was carried out in September 2009, when several settlers attacked a number of drivers, including an axe attack against a driver from Jerusalem. The Driver managed to escape with minor wounds, and his Taxi was totally damaged.

Fundamental settlers are behind hundreds of casualties among Palestinian civilians. Hundreds of organized attacks were carried out since the first Palestinian Intifada of 1987. This is in addition to hundreds of random attacks carried out by fundamental settlers against Palestinian villagers.