The villagers of Nil’in, central West Bank, were joined by international supporters on Friday for the weekly anti-wall protest.The protesters marched towards their lands where Israel is building the wall. As soon as they arrived their troops fired tear gas at them.

The villagers insisted to continue the protest and managed to remove some of the concrete parts of the wall.

Salah El-Khawaja coordinator of the Nonviolence Network in the Arab Countries who was in the protest told IMEMC that the protest today and the attempt to destroy the wall comes on the 20 anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin wall in 1989.

A number of people surfed effects of tear gas inhalation including Palestinian Member of Parliament Dr. Mustafa Al Bigmouth.

The people of Ni’lin have been organizing popular nonviolent activities for the past two years in an attempt to remove the wall that Israel is building on their land.