The Israeli Authorities demolished on Tuesday two Palestinians homes in Beit Hanin and in Wadi kadum, in East Jerusalem. The Beit Hanina house was home to five Palestinians for the last three years, the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICHAD) reported.

The house was demolished as it was build in an ‘open area’ while 22% of east Jerusalem is planed as an ‘open area’ and only 9% for housing leaving Palestinians with no choice but to build illegally, the ICHAD said.

ICHAD further stated that the Jerusalem Municipality demolished 10 houses in East Jerusalem, last month rendering 70 residents homeless.

It further said that home demolition is a systematic policy that aims at pushing the Palestinians to leave Jerusalem in order to maintain Jewish majority in the city.

This is carried out while Israel is encouraging Jewish settlers to move into the city by handing them more land.

ICHAD estimates that Israel demolished 24.145 homes in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip since 1967.

The Israeli army demolished 4247 houses during the Cast Lead offensive against the Gaza Strip earlier this year.