The Al Quds Media Center reported that the Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, is planning to build seven large settlements neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.The center added that the Israeli plan, prepared by the government and the Jerusalem Municipality, reveals that the newly declared plan for constructions in Gilo settlement is only one of seven even bigger plans.

The plan was put forth regardless of the stances of the American government regarding settlement activities and their negative impacts on the

peace process.
The seven plans for settlement construction are;

1. Gilo; 900 new units to be added to the already existing 800 units, home to 35.000 settlers.

2. Nof Tzion; cornerstone places Wednesday, 107 planned units to be added to 70 existing units.

3. Moscowvitch settlement neighborhood; in Jabal Al Mokabbir, it carries the name of a Jewish millionaire who heavily finances settlement activities.

4. Neighborhood 1, planned 3500 units, it includes the biggest Israeli police station.

5. Shepherd Hotel; in Sheikh Jarrah, annexed by Israeli settlers who are planning to demolish it to construct 350 units.

6. Pisgat Zeev; east of Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem, currently home to 12.000 settlers.

7. Qalandia, a large settlement neighborhood east of the Qalandia airport, Israel started constructing 80 units as a first phase.